Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fender Bender Number Two

yesterday on the way home from work, the second fender bender in my driving career happened to me. AND this time it was not my fault. :)

the first fender bender that ocurred in my driving career happened, i believe my junior year(?), i was late for a band rehearsal so i was rushing and didn't have the chance to put everything into my bag before i left the house. as i was pulling up to a stop sign, i was looking down and placing things into my bag and before i knew it, i came up on the car in front of me rather quickly. thankfully, since i was coming up on a stop sign i was barely going 5 miles so it was just like a love tap.

the second fender bender, my father and i were on our way home from work, later than usual because i had books to mail out so there was more traffic, we were on the road and this particular stoplight gets backed up easily when it is rush hour and since it was later than usual it was backed up more than normal. i was climbing up the slight incline of the hill when the car in front of me placed their breaks on quickly. i then got yelled at by my father to hit the breaks which i was already in the process of doing (thanks for the advice dad-i know how to drive). So i had to quickly put my breaks on and the car behind us had a short distance but ample space to stop but didn't. so he rear-ended us. cool. so we got out exchanged information and all that. barely any damage to either cars. good thing they both were small cars, theres no telling how much damage would have occurred if the car that hit us was a SUV. i don't think we would even have a car left and probably would have ended up in the ER with minor concussions or something. Praise the Lord for that.

hmm...back to work to read! almost done with book two on my list to read this summer!

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