Monday, August 10, 2009

To my surprise...

I came into work this morning and logged into blogger to check updates and whatnot. I clicked on Post Secret's update to read Sunday's secrets and what did I find? Not the website, oh no, stupid BNY Mellon has blocked it. What the heck? why?? It's not games or anything and it doesn't take the wholeeee day to read so definitely not a time waster. Thanks BNY Mellon. You suck. So glad I'm outie 5000 from here in a week! Praise the Lord!

So with that said, I can't wait for this week to be over. This job has sucked a whole lot. But it has been beneficial to me and am really blessed to have even had a job this summer. It has paid really well, has kept me busy (well not really but like in the sense that it has kept me out of the house?), helped me to not sleep away my summer break, has gotten me into a good sleep pattern that I hope will carry over to school especially since I have an 8AM class MWF and most definitely I have learned that i do NOT want to sit at a desk for the rest of my life. One more week! yayay! I will not miss this place. lol.

6 days!!!!