Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stanley was here!

**note: this was supposed to be posted Thursday but I got work and was not able to finish this post**

Not a person, silly! The Stanley cup! It was in my place of employment. I could have gotten my picture taken with the heavy shiny piece of metal. but seeing as I don't ever check news headlines/watch tv/pay attention to any going ons in the world I had no idea and have no camera :( So I missed my chance to have some bragging rights amonst friends, especially my friends down in NC since they came so close to winning the Stanley Cup this year too as well. oh well. not that upset about it.

Anywho! I've actually had work at work so I haven't been able to blog recently. Right, so update on the minimal happenings in my life. My dad has had this whole week off from work so I have been on my own all week. I love it. I have been able to go where I want to eat (not that my dad ever said we're eating here, deal with it) but it's still nice. I can read during lunch (which has been nice this week since I've actually had work and really haven't had the chance to read). I don't necessarily feel rushed in the morning to be out the door before 7:10 but I am anyways. When I leave work, I actually leave, I don't just go downstairs to have to wait to leave so then in return I usually get home before 5pm, which is awesome. I'm an independent girl so I have no problem being alone. The only downside is since I no longer have 2 people in the car, I cannot take the HOV lane (high-occupancy vehicle lane) so I have to drive in the normal 3 lane highway that is not overly backed up but i can't go 60 and not worry about hitting someone. Sad, a small price to pay.

Last Tuesday, was a good day. I had work, like usual but the evening was very good. I went to Panera and hung out with Erika. I taught her how to play farkle and she loved it! She was super excited that I taught her how to play. She won. I don't know how that happened since I am such a beast at the game. I must just been having an off day. haha. After I hung out with Erika, I went to Karen's house for a bonfire with Craig and Marissa. That was a marvelous time of hanging out and having fun. Moldymort, cat fish, big ass, hot stick-just some of the awesome memories that were made that night. :)

Wednesday, I went to go see Les Miserables with Karen. :)

I'm so glad that I finally got to see it! I knew most of the songs, not the words but the music aspect, because of band. My freshman year in band we played a Les Miserables piece that pretty much contained every song. It also helps that all the songs are based around the same 3-4 tunes so by the end of the musical, you know all the tunes very well and there weren't that many songs to include in that musical arrangement we played that freshman year. What surprised me most about the Les Mis though was that there is NO talking whatsoever. They sing the entire time. I was not expecting that at all. One would think that you would get tired of just singing but not really. They do it really well, obviously because it's an award winning musical. Karen and I were probably the youngest people there though. We definitely brought the median age down a lot when we entered the Benedum but that didn't stop us from enjoying the musical. We had a good night out!

Thursday night was a fun night too! I went over to Megan's house to have a Harry Potter party/hang out night with the ladies from The Physics Brigade: Karen, Marissa and Megan. We had HP centered snacks, cupcakes with different colored icing representing different balls from quidditch, fruits representing the houses-cucumbers: slytherin, blueberries: ravenclaw, strawberries, watermelon, rasberries: gryfindor, and bananas, chocolate chips: hufflepuff, and chocolate frogs. Those were the best. For most of the night we just hung out and talked, took pictures on Meg's new Mac, watched her speech at graduation and then finally started to watch HP 5 but Marissa and I had to leave shortly after that because it was late and had work the next morning.

This whole weekend my parents have been out in Illinois visiting Sarah at the college where she is doing her internship so that means that I am home alone. Friday was marvelous, I called off work because I was super tired from the past three nights of staying up and out really late. I slept in real late and got up and just lounged around the house. I should have gone to work but oh well, my parents will never know. Saturday, my sister, Christine, invited me to go to Grove City Outlets with her and her friend. I graciously accepted even though I shouldn't have. I bought a pair of khakis, halter, heels, vest, and pants. Don't really need any of that but they were good deals so I figured why not. The shoes may be going back but I really really like them and they were so much on sale that they were pretty much a steal so probably not. Today, Christine taught me how to drive a stick shift! I'm a natural. I got the hang of it really well but I don't think I will be buying any stick shifts in the near future. I have the basics down so if someone I'm with who drives a stick shift passes out or something I will be able to get them to a hospital or to safety, you know. Although, with a little more practice I suppose I would get it down pat.

Thats all the exciting news of my life up to this moment, I'm just relaxing having myself a HP marathon.

36 daysss.

Monday, July 6, 2009


This is an email from my boss:

Hi Amy,

On your timecard you are claiming 8 hours ever day and we are only allowed to claim 7.5. We work 8.5 hour days and everyone gets an hour lunch. If we happen to be extremely busy one day then it would be acceptable to claim the extra time, but as we're not, 7.5 is the max. Also - if you are not here for some reason (Friday when you left early), only put the time down that you were here as this is an hourly position.
Thanks bad.

4th of July weekend!

So this weekend was good. It was definitely a different kind of 4th weekend then I am used to but I enjoyed it.

First off, I had to work on Friday :( but I did get to leave at like 1:30 because there was no work for me to do and I did not feel like sitting here wasting my time. So I got home, went for a run, watched Smallville/napped, had dinner-corn on the cob, yum!, and then went to the park to see some ground fireworks where I met up with Marissa. The fireworks this year at Hampton sucked. First of all, Hampton is so broke that they could only afford one night to celebrate so they chose the 3rd...not the day of our independence, cool. The ground/low fireworks were good but when they moved on to the few higher ones they had, there was atleast a 20 second pause between each firework. I mean, really? The finale which is what I always look forward to with fireworks was ok. Overall, the whole night was a dissapointment. Oh and Marissa and I ran into people that we graduated with, some I was more aquainted with then others. One guy I barely spoke to in school I talked to the most, granted he is a friendly guy but still, the whole thing was awkward.

Saturday rolls around. My day to sleep in and my dad wanted me to wake up at 6AM to help him with the yard sale. He had very hopeful thinking that I was going to wake up that early to help with a stupid yard sale that I don't think we should even bother ourselves with. We should just sort Aunt Jean's stuff, get what little stuff we want out of it and take it to Goodwill. Then we would be rid of the stuff and have our garages back. But it's not my decision. So I roll out of bed around 10ish and I throw on some clothes and head out with my computer and Smallville. I sit there watching Smallville and barely anyone comes. This yard sale def was not worth it. A couple hours later, I go in and make lunch. Hot dogs and mac 'n cheese. :) Then after that, we had to clean up. I convinced my parents to let me load up the durango and take all the books to Half Priced Books. 25 minutes later, after I delivered all the books to the store, I was 32 dollars and 25 cents richer. I got to keep all that because that was my cut for "helping." I barely did anything all day and my parents still paid me. love it. I did not have plans for the fireworks and I was just planning on doing whatever with my parents until Karen asked if I had plans so we decided to go downtown. So Karen and I made the adventure downtown. It was an awesome time. We met up with Katherine, her friend, mom and brother. We sat in the grass, none of us remembered to bring a blanket, listened to Three Dog Knight (they sing the "Jeremiah was a bullfrog song"), talked, ate ice cream and generally had a good time. The fireworks were so good. I can't believe I have never been downtown before! Of course, I've always had the option of going to Hampton so why would I but I think I will be making downtown a regular occurence now. It's fun. I'll def remember a blanket next time.

Sunday was a lazy day. I went to church-no one was there! You can def tell it's summer. Came home, ran, did laundry, ate lunch, started decorating my memory box that I wanted to make for high school, put pictures in the picture frames that I have, hung up stuff, made a mess of my room, cleaned it, ate dinner, watched Food Network Challenge and watched Hannah Montana and iCarly-I'm addicted and want to own all of Hannah Montana (lol-I'm such a kid). All in all, it was a good day. I like lazy days. very much. :)


Rough Night

For some reason, last night was not a good night sleep for me. Granted, I do think I wholly slept until 5:30ish, atleast that was the first time I looked at a clock. It was tough falling asleep and then once I fell asleep I wasn't fully asleep asleep. You know? I hate this kind of sleep. But surprisingly, I am not that tired right now. Atleast not yet. Let's see at around 2ish how I feel.

42 daysss. :)