Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I seriously cannot cannot cannot believe that it is already July! Where has the time gone?! Has it really only been 2 months since I left school? It feels like so much longer. This just means I'm closer to being back at school. I can't believe that I have been at this job for 2 months. I feel like I have accomplished nothing. I can't believe it's July! It's my birthday month and to be honest, I haven't really thought about my birthday coming up at all. Yes, I made my list and passed it along to the family but I did that mid-June and really that list has been forming for awhile/it's just continued from Christmas. Usually my birthday is the highlight of my summer and it's all that I can think about it! I usually have a countdown going since like the very beginning of the year but not this time. It's weird, my birthday is not the center of my attention anymore but that's a good thing. It does show that I am growing up. At this rate, I'm probably gonna wake up on my birthday and forget that it is my birthday and the day will be as normal as ever. Not that anything special would happen. I just haven't thought about it much. I'm going to be turning 20...whoa. Gone will be my teenage years. I'm not sure how I feel about that. Yes, I want to grow up but idk. It's just very weird. I'm old. yuck.

well, Happy July! :-)
47 days.

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