Wednesday, May 13, 2009


holy crap. it's only wednesday? of my first week?! i feel like it should be like friday of my like third week! i am so tired right now but that may be because i am not used to waking up at 6am yet. yes thats right, i have to wake up at 6 for this job. yuck. i think once i get used to waking up that early life should be fine especially my night life. (ha, i know...what night life?) whatever. i went to bed last night at 10:15isg. yeah i know lame but a girl can't help it when she's tired! i can't wait until i get back to my normal routine of staying up late and it not effecting my effectiveness of the day. i like to stay up and talk with my college friends online, mainly hannah, to the wee hours of the night or rather until she goes to bed. anyways, so my first week is going good so far. boring, very boring but good. the first day i worked, they did not have a thing for me to do so i just sat there without a computer so i couldn't even surf the web. and stupid me did not bring a book to read so i did nothing. i texted brittany and hannah a lot. and marissa some. they helped to pass the time. the second day was better. i actually did some work in the morning but i finished it in the morning so after my lunch break, which i spent with my dad(cute, right?) i spent a solid three hours reading a book. yes, i brought a book to work. and i read right in front of my supervisor and she said not a thing about it. then finally, in the last half hour i got more work to do. i tried to complete it before 4:30 so i could leave on time but sadly i left 10 minutes late only to arrive downstairs and find my dad "taking a nap" in the comfy chair. seriously, it was only 10 minutes. he couldn't stay awake? haha. so that brings me to today, obviously i don't have much to do if i can find to blog and update myself on others blogs. I completed everything that they gave me to do in the wee hours of the morning. and have done minor things here and there but i think i will have the afternoon to read, yet again. well, i am off to eat lunch with my father.

on a side note-my chacos came in yesterday but i am returning them. long story that i will write about later!

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