Friday, May 15, 2009

I survived!

I rode the bus into work today all by myself, and i survived!! almost didn't get off the bus at the right time but i made it! i took the bus this morning because my dad on friday mornings goes to men's breakfast with the men of the church and then gets into work late. i brought up this fact like on tuesday, yes i was worrying about it that early. thank goodness i brought it up too because my dad totally wasn't thinking of it. so to solve the problem of me not knowing what to do, we stopped by the port authority office and picked up schedules of different bus routes that i can take. and then on wednesday we took the bus into work. so i could learn the ropes. obviously, i didn't learn them too well if i almost didn't get off. ha. oh well. anyways, i walked down to the bus stop and waited and waited and waited. the stupid bus was late. i was starting to get worried that maybe i missed it or something. i would not be happy bc then i would of had to wait until my dad was done and wouldn't get to work until like 8:30 which would not be okay. but the bus finally came and like before, i was the first person on. cool. so i sat down and started to read. not soon after is the bus full and i'm a little sick from reading(i used to get car sick-guess i still do a little bit) so i stop reading. but all is good because i had my ipod(which the charge only lasts on it for a day now :[ ohs vo) and was texting hannah who surprisingly was awake because she was afraid dementors were after her. hahaha, love my best friend. so the bus was coming up to penn station(the place where i am supposed to get off). last time we rode, a whole crap load, pretty much the whole bus got off here. i was expecting the same thing to happen. it didn't. so i was still in my seat when 2 others walked up to the front to wait. no one told me that to get off you should go up before the bus stops and wait! so when no one else moved i hurridlly(sp?) got out of my seat(don't think i even said excuse me to the guy sitting next to me) and went up to the front. the doors were already shut so i had to ask if i could get off. ugh, how embarassing. so i got off and all was good. i walked to my building and got to work on time, like always.

On my walk to my building, i saw my first protest!! they were marching outside the AT&T building protesting health. why are they protesting outside of AT&T about health? anywaysss, it vas exciting to say the least. oh the joys of vorking downtown.

hmm...i suppose i should start working now considering that i am AT work.

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