Friday, December 11, 2009
*hmmm...can't remember much. i know i did watch Glee though...if i remember anything, i'll edit
Thursday 12/3:
last day of thursday classes!!
*no lab! w00t!
*went to western civ, didn't pay attention like always. got our tests back, i got a 58, i think.
*lunchh with hannah and b?
*went to acting class. took the written final. real easy. first one to finish and then hannah was next one to finish so we were partners in our scenes. picked a bag, and our bag had two fake pistols in it and we got horses on sticks. we had to pick a scene and incorporate our props into the scene. it was hilarious. best final ever. after done with that, we just did random little scene things together. i'm truelly gonna miss that class.
*hung out until dinner with peeps
*college life caroling! we went to commitee members houses in the boiling springs area and sang wonderfully to them :)
*went to women's fellowship for the end of semester get together! ate popcorn and had a good time. sat and talked with amy and hannah
*rode home singing along to christmas music with b, hannah, amy and lauren. such a good time. so good.
Friday 12/4:
*last classes were good, ended up not having a final in guitar! sweet. we watched guitar videos the entire time. ha
*played mario kart with hannah and maybe gina
*went into town with b and hannah to try and sell b's saxophone
*hmmm...came back and hung out? possibly napped. dinner.
*said bye to the young lifers as they went to their xmas party
*went to coffee shop with gina with the intent to study for new testament final but read MLIA the whole time
*went to kennel with gina so she could have dinner. had really good convo.
*came home and watched scrubs
*had a movie night with the Hapy boys...well...Phillip and we watched Hot Rod. really hilarious movie. D3 was constantly walking in but thats norm. after movie, phillip, b and i had real good convo. steph, lori, lauren and tori came back from wal mart and then we all hung out and talked. then it was time for bed and phillip left.
Saturday 12/5:
*slept in. love sleeping in
*showered and got ready for brunch
*brunch with sarah! love her. so good to catch up. gina sat with us too.
*came back and went to coffee shop with b and studied all afternoon for new testament.
*dinner with b probably
*more studying-some
*watched the iCarly movie "iQuit iCarly" with Ginaaaa
*went to wal-mart with lauren mae for hannah's secret santa gift-a michael jackson poster! ahah. so good. went to check out but ended up sitting on the floor looking at a wedding magazine looking at the dresses and taking the honeymoon location quiz. i'm a beach location, which i already knew. thanks for confirming that magazine.
*came home and had a movie nighttt. chels, amy, tori, steph, damber, b, and lauren mae were all here for it. we watched the polar express! love that movie.
*finally went to sleep!
Sunday 12/6:
*last sunday, so i went to BRCC. everyone was there and it was so good.
*another day spent studying, i added german into the mix today!
*went to dinner with tori and megan
*came back and studied/read MLIA
*had our secret santa exchange! 5 people got BRCC gift cards and B loved her gift of Flight of the Conchords season one! everyone left soon after because they had to study for finals, which is legit.
*watched a little bit of FOC then got phone call from parentals. talked to them in hannah's room bc B was watching FOC.
*hung out for the rest of the night
Monday 12/7:
*slept in until about 9ish
*hung out and did some more studying for new testament final at 2
*lunch with the gang :)
*NT test-ehhh, not so sure how i did. and final grade is not posted yet, only one that isn't.
*had celebratory vanilla coke and snack! yumm
*commence studying for spiritual formation and german...maybe, possibly. who knows
Tuesday 12/8:
*german final!! didn't do too bad. didn't know some things but knew all the grammar points which is what is important. anyways, I AM DONE WITH GERMAN FOR FOREVER!!!! i'm so excited, if you can't tell. i got a B in that class. which is more than okay with me.
*came back and showered and got re-dressed for the day. ha.
*hung out, watched gilmore girls with hannah
*lunch-christmas lunch. gross.
*came home and went to coffee shop with hannah and b to study for spiritual formation and western civ. phillip, lori, lauren and i had a western civ study/support each table. haha.
*went to chick fil a with everyoneeeee. so good.
*came home and studied for spiritual formation yet again
*played racquetball with hannah (possibly this night or monday). saw darelle (best friend) at Suttle and he gave us really really good news, he is coming back next semester!!!! yesssss. racquetball was good and hilarious, like always. hannah got hit in the face with ball right in the middle of her eyes and i broke skin on my knee with my own racket. i'm a genius. haha.
Wednesday 12/9:
*spiritual formation final...oh dear lord. my professor was a freaking hour and a half late. he thought our exam was at 11. we didn't start until 9:30, he wasn't even there when we started and he had our journals which we could use on the essay part of the exam. he finally arrived and gave us our journals and took an essay off, PTL, so we only had to one essay. so frustrated and glad i'm done with that class. i got a B in the class, which i'm kind of pissed about but i accept it. oh and to top off my bad morning, i forgot my ID card and i don't take my phone to exams so i was locked out. cool. went to Amy's apartment so i could borrow chelsea's ID so i could get in. had a convo with amy, it was good.
*finally got in and came back and took a loooooong shower. it felt so good.
*went and watched the end of gilmore girls with hannah
*lunchhh-corn dogs!! so happy! saw phillip and steven, asked them how they did on their german exam.
*went to coffee shop to meet with melissa.
*saw sarah on the way there, told me that her and her bf broke up! :( but it's really all for the best.
*hang out time with melissa was great. shared hilarious first impressions, spencer ask out story and just life in general.
*came back and took an hour-ish nap
*went to campus shop to buy mommy and daddy's xmas gifts
*finally made it to the library at around 3:30and made my home in a cubby downstairs to study western civ.
*around 6:30 went to kennel to grab dinner and get the new paramore and needtobreathe cd's from kaley!
*went to the BRCC in shelby with hannah and b. much smaller than the one in boiling springs but i like it a lot. prob will be going there more next semester!! Damber came and joined after church.
*missed glee :( stupid studying.
*finally came home at 10:20. studied a little more and packed most of my stuff and was in bed by hour later than i wanted to be!
Thursday 12/10:
*western civ finall-it killed me. seriously. but i was so excited to hand that test in. i got a D in the class so i may be retaking it, probably at a community college.
*came back and finished packing.
*went to brunch in the kennel with hannah, b, amy and lauren mae. last time i would see lauren mae as a gardner webb student. so freaking sad. there def will be trips made to see her and lots of writing and calling and texting. had to leave to check out, hugged lauren mae and then amy. then lauren hugged us too and the three of stood there for a good minute hugging. so freaking good.
*checked out in like 30 seconds. recruited hannah, b and damber to help me carry all my stuff down. loaded the car. gave hugs all around and left! hello xmas break. went down the road to get gas and then to the coffee shop to get a mocha. mmm.
*drove homeeee. stopped every once in awhile for either gas or to use a restroom. held out for a chick fil a because i had the coupon from hannah for a free sandwich. found one and i got a full free meal which i was not expecting at all. thanks hannah for the coupon. texted phillip a lot the whole time coming home. the best part, he knew i was driving and still continued to do it. hahahahaa. finally got home at like 8!
*unpacked the car and immediately moved the stuff that was in my room into the room next to mine so i could have full access to my room since i would be home for a month.
*hung out and finally popped the hannah montana movie in. gonna be a long break. fell asleep watching it.
Friday 12/11:
*slept in until about 11:30. so freaking good.
*lounged around the house and had lunch. karen came to borrow new moon. she loves twilight now, yessss.
*printed and figured out who to send support letters for my mission trip to. sending out 70!! oh dear lord, that is a lot of signing and writing. worked on signing and addressing the envelopes until about 3:30
*showered and got ready for my job interview at american eagle at 5!
*was really nervous so i asked for prayer from the ones i love. thanks so much guys. i know it helped.
*arrived about 5 minutes before 5 and was told to sit on the couch in the back. sat there for prob 10 minutes until i finally asked someone about it and they were like, oh they went up to the food court and told me to go there. that did not help my nerves at all since i had no idea who i was looking for but i was told what they were wearing so that kind of helped. finally found them and joined the group interview that was happening, who knew? group part went well and then since i was late i went off to be asked a few more questions. told them about previous work and bonded over twilight. best soon to be boss ever!! final question was why i was late and was hireddddd!! ahhhh...i start sunday at 8am!!! so excited!
*came home and made myself eggs for dinner.
*came up to my room and worked on addressing the envelopes and watched gossip girl as i did so.
*now i'm here and i'm about to head to bed. i'm tired!! goodnight!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
*no new testament today! woo!
*had spiritual formation and german though
*went to lunch with the usual gang. melissa came!
*melissa came back to the room so she could check her email about my pants for me. they had only been sent out last friday or something and wouldn't be getting in for another week. :( i really wanted to take them home with me!
*maybe possibly napped or did homework or hung out. maybe all.
*went to bible study. uh, it was good? probably.
*came back and sleep?
Tuesday 11/24:
*went to breakfast and then on to dimensions to see hannah perform for joyful hands. saw chelsea from afar going to dimensions so i called her and told her to stop.
*saw hannah perform. i really liked it. cardboard testimonies were sweet. left after they were done.
*came back to the room and packed to go home!
*went to western civ. sat with lori and we drew the whole time
*went to lunch and met kaley! good convo
*went to acting and performed monologue. forgot kind of an important line but it still worked without it. actually didn't realize i forgot a line until the guy that came to hear us made a comment. oh well. he said that i need to take speech classes. i guess because of my northerner accent? weird.
*came back, everyone else was gone and i had nothing to do so i popped in the hannah montana movie. so gooooood. oh, painted my nails black as well.
*chelsea came and picked me up and we picked up amy. ride wasn't bad, we didn't hit too much traffic. thanked chelsea so much for the ride to the airport.
*got through security line real quick. i was shocked. found my gate easily and then went searching for food in the concourse but wasn't anything good so i just sat down and read while i waited to board.
*first flight was delayed 30 minutes. was real nervous i wouldn't make connecting flight until i called my dad and he told me my connecting flight was delayed as well. phew.
*landed in atlanta (hate this airport-so busy) and found my concourse and once again sat and read until boarding began. got drink and peanuts on this flight! PTL. realized how hungry i really was.
*landed basically on time because pilot booked it. haha. dad basically didn't have to wait anytime, when i called him to tell him i was here he was like i just parked! sweetttt! went the back way home because they had the inbound lane or whatever closed. stopped at mcdonalds on the way home for my dinner. yes, at midnight. got home and went directly to bed. i love my bed, especially my pillow. i miss that the most.
Wednesday 11/25:
*slept in today
*daddy made me lunch of eggs. yummm
*showered and got ready. took the durango and went to the mall to go job hunting! applied at american eagle, charlotte rouse, aeropostale and claire's. aero basically was ready to hire me on the spot, asked me if i could work black friday and i said yes but then told them i wouldn't be here for two weeks so they said that they would give me a call. i had an interview at claire's right away so that's a good possibility. all in all, i think it was a successful day.
*came home and sarah had arrived! hung around the house until dinner. tacos...mmm :) dinner was good. lots of laughing.
*went to eat n park for the physics brigade reunion. ah, it was good to be back. i've missed them so much. then we went to marissa's house to watch gleeeeee! i'm so glad that we all watch glee. yippee! hung out with craig and marissa a little while longer then finally ventured home
*prob went straight to bed or got on facebook real quick? maybe talked to p?
Thursday 11/26:
*slept until about 12:30 and got up, went to my dad's room to see what he was doing. then came back to room, left the door open and layed back on bed for a second. woke up 2 hours later with mickey at the end of my bed. a nice surprise!!
*showered and got ready then went downstairs and hung out until food was ready
*had steak instead of turkey. such a good meal. :)
*uh...hung out around the house?
Friday 11/27:
Black Friday!
*woke up at 3:45 and out the door by 4am!!
*we were all over. JC Penny's, Kohl's, Target, Michael's, Office Depot, Staples. Found the best deals at Target. had mommy and daddy buy me some christmas presents off my list. the line for check out wrapped all the way around the store but it didn't take long because they had every register open and people there to help. very well organized!
*went to eat the the pancake house or whatever. started to snowwww!
*came home and tried to sleep but i had two cups of coffee at breakfast so sleeping didn't last long. got up and checked the internet then did the dishes!! i did chores!!!!! then i helped my dad take christmas stuff down from the attic.
*transferred my number to my grandpa's phone. love it.
*watched a marathon of say yes to the dress. i felt like i was preparing for wedding dress shopping with my sister the next day. tried to study but didn't last long
*went to erika's house and we redboxed the proposal. 3rd time seeing it and still loved it and laughed.
*came home and passed out. i was exhausted.
Saturday 11/28:
*woke up 9ish and showered and got ready
*went to david's bridal with mom, sarah and christine to do some wedding dress shopping! she found her dress and she looks gourgeous!! i also found my bride's maid dress and i love it! i'm so excited
*went to the food court for lunch. i got chick fil a and the rest got chinese
*came home and took about a 4 hour nap
*woke up in time for dinner. i have impecible timing, i know. spaghetti pie...mmm. so good.
*hung out around the house...
Sunday 11/29:
*woke up at 8:30 which i thought was plenty of time to make it to church but i forgot that church started at 8:45 and not 9:45 which is what i was thinking so i missed church, yet again. ah well.
*left home at 10ish. at first, the car wouldn't drive then my dad tried and he had to put it in reverse before it would go forward. weird. dad told me not to tell mom. hahaha.
*drive was long and boring. lots of traffic. traffic is very stupid.
*got to school and just hung out for the rest of the night! it feels good to be back
Monday 11/30:
*went to classes. did my german presentation. sucked real bad but oh well. I'M DONE WITH GERMAN (minus the final) I AM SO EXCITED.
*lunch with the gang
*pants were delivered on friday but the school is gay and never put the notification in my box so couldn't pick them up today
*went to coffee shop to study western civ. hannah came to hang out. then phillip came to study too and then lauren and lori. they all left to go to dinner and do things and i stayed a little longer to finish.
*met gina in the kennel for din din. had really good convo
*came back and studied and took facebook breaks
*went to bible study. CHRISTMAS. so good.
*came back and studied some more.
Tuesday 12/1:
*woke up, went to breakfast, got my pants, got my visitor parking pass, got ready and studied
*western civ-took test. eh, knew some then didn't know some
*came back and delivered health info to Neal
*hung out until lunch with b, amy and steph
*went to acting. did little skit things. lots of fun.
*came back and went into town. walmart, radio shack, ups drop off box, and hannah's bank
*hung out
*went to chick fil a with tori, b, and damber
*came back and painted my nails and played mario kart with gina and hannah
*went to verge with gina and hannah-CHRISTMAS
*went to tournament volleyball game. lost. boo.
*came back and watched wild america with b while adding songs to my memory card for my phone
Sunday, November 22, 2009
*breakfast? i think
*western civ. boring. she pushed the test back! hallelujah!
*went to downtown shelby with b-went to wachovia and then ventured to wal-mart but didn't go in. changed our minds. oh and was gonna get a micro SD card for my phone but decided to wait to make sure that grandpa's phone had one
*it does so going to get one from radio shack when tori and i go to pick up the new moon tickets on thursday
*came back to school and went to lunch with b
*don't really remember what i did all afternoon
*met sarah and monica for dinner!
*had a vball game at 7. we won!! i truelly hope that we win and get a tshirt!! i want one so bad although i def don't need one.
*volleyed and practiced over hand serve with tori, julia and steph until verge
*verge! went with julia. kaley, sarah, monica and gina met us there! good verge. hannah came half way through from her deaf event
*talked to Darelle afterwards. gave us the worst news ever. he's not coming back next semester!!! :( :( :( so sad. who will be our best friend?!?
*played racquetball. almost killed hannah by hitting the ball too hard in her direction, like right where she was standing. dangerous. brad vaughn was playing on the court behind us and at one point his ball came into our court so we threw it back and apparently hit him and he said "ooo" hilarious. then when we were done we cheered him on. he gave us a death stare.
Wednesday 11/18:
*classes were good
*napped all afternoon. no joke. 4 hours. best afternoon ever.
*went to dinner and then played racquetball afterwards with hannah. b came to watch! we listened to nsync chrstmas CD. then hannah and i started to play tennis. that's right, we played tennis in a racuetball court. it's possible. a little cramped but no bigs.
*came back to hannah's room and made xmas videos on toris, b's and lindseys' fbook wall. so good.
*went to coffee shop at 8 to meet mandie for a date! really good. first time i really hung out with her so i was excited. got her number so now we can communicate other than just facebook. so much more reasonable!
*came back to watch gleeeeeee! with hannah. really good. love this show.
*then put in scrubs? maybe
Thursday 11/19:
*breakfast with hannah and b
*german lab-memorized my monologue
*western civ-continued memorizing
*lunch with b? i think so
*acting-did monologue. she said i looked comfortable on the stage!
*went to amy brown's to watch twilight. napped/didn't really pay attention
*went to go pick up new moon tickets with tori and her young life girl
*bought a 4 gb micro SD card for $14 from radio shack! they were on sale!
*came home and tried to nap
*packed away my life basically in preparation for the long night!
*collegiate life-melissa gave the talk
*women's fellowship-we finished discussing the book! party next week. woot.
*went to the movie theatre and got there at the same time as everyone else. such perfect timing.
*got into the theatre and we had an hour and a half to wait soooo we played ninja, mind games like "i'm going to a party under my umbrella, i'm going to bring um...." and others. that took up most of the time. and the movie. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good. so much better than twilight. pretty much followed the book exactly. i loved it.
*came home and passed out.
Friday 11/20:
*actually got up for my 8 class! running on 4 hours of sleep
*went to breakfast, decided not to crash spencer's little breakfast date with his girlfriend.
*SF-planned a party
*german-realized that that was our last german classsssss ever.
*didn't go to guitar bc sick. neither did anyone else
*lunch. took big ass dayquil pills
*napped until about 5:30
*got a pizza from the kennel. THEY SELL PUPPY CHOW. bought some. so good.
*went to see the one act plays with hannah
*hung out and then watched my sisters keeper with b, lauren mae, amy brown and chels. surprisingly didn't cry.
*slept off and on. nose was clogged so couldn't breathe that well
Saturday 11/21:
*slept in until about 10
*brunch. no chicken fingers!!! had nice food since it was a dawg day.
*played mario kart with amy brown
*went to dawg days to see hannah perform with dawg days. got a krispy kreme donut. so good.
*came back and did homework all afternoon. did my german powerpoint and listened to the new testament lecture online for monday.
*made spongebob mac 'n cheese. so good.
*went to the basketball game for a bit with hannah, melissa and b
*came back and hung with gina watching Nickelodeon
*read before bedddd
Sunday 11/22:
*went to church with lauren at revive!
*lunch... :(
*wrote my spiritual formation journals. only have one more to writeee. so excited. studied for german a tiny bit
*went to coffee shop and met hannah and b. read eat pray love
*haven't done much after dinner. hung out and done laundry. talked with p
*might watch a movie when b gets back from math lab. who knowsss
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday 11/6:
*classes good
*guitar-learned chords today! ahhh, so exciting.
*adventure fridayyy! with intruders...tori and damber. went to UPS store, Wal-Mart, UA Thrift. got some mad flannel. so so so excited to wear it.
*went to Applebee's with Lauren Mae. good good convo. got update on her and craig.
*played brick with hannah and brittany. such a fun game!
*watched along came polly. really funny movie
Saturday 11/7:
*went to Appalachian State University with Amy for a football game. it was free! yay!
*chelsea, chelsea's mom, and laura were there too!
*read twilight on car ride there
*parked and went to student store-huge! 2 levels, that's crazzzy.
*mellow mushroom for lunch. so good. Mrs. Hearne paid for it, score! the 5 of us finished a medium pizza and 2 small pizzas. lol.
*went to game-school spirit is so amazing. loved it. they have cheers that go along with what the band plays sometimes. game was good too i suppose, not that big of a fan of it anyways. they won! woot.
*came home-read twilight with cell phone light. totally worth it because i finished my book! yess
Sunday 11/8:
*did laundry and made cinnamon rolls. yum, yum, yum.
*went to Revive with Lauren. so good.
*lunch with lauren-good convo
*did german hw
*went shopping in Gastonia with Blair. really good, only spent $1.50!, Blair basically dominated the convo-haha, we went to target!! very exciting.
*missed dinner so ate left over shrimp from friday, really good
*phone date with karen! good to catch up.
*called parentals. good convo. got update on grandpa. not doing good at all.
*hung out until bed, chatted with p on fbook
Monday 11/9:
*german-rebuilt berlin wall with cardboard boxes bc it was the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall
*12-1 asked people questions about germany and the wall-gave them a pencil whether they got it right or not, got 10 points extra credit!!
*lunch with steven, phillip, and ethan. they, mainly phillip, kept trying to get me to come to some quiz question thing on wednesday. told him i would think about it.
*went to coffee shop to meet melissa-gave her her jeans and talked. good good good.
*B & hannah came. hung out with melissa until she left. started studying for NT
*worked out hard core. felt really good.
*bible study-couldn't concentrate at all. kept thining and worrying about my grandpa
*on way back to decker, got phone call from mom. knew as soon as my phone went off what it was about. didn't really want to answer. sat down outside decker and cried and listened as my mom rambled on. so glad b and hannah were there.
*watched scrubs with b to make me laugh
Tuesday 11/10:
*breakfast with tori and hannah
*came back to room-emailed what professors i could to tell them i wouldn't be in class thursday
*lunch with damber and kaley. megan, tori and trem all showed up, they got out of class early.
*saw phillip-told him movie night was off on wednesday bc grandpa passed away so i would be at home. plans to reschedule to occur
*called parents out in the rain to find out how getting home, that would determine how many classes i would be missing. driving-won't be missing NT so i do need to study
*acting-did monologue-sucked
*hung out
*went to chick fil a with tori and trem
*went to dollar general and wal-mart to get christmas shoe box stuff! so fun
*verge with hannah. amy, julia and steph met us there. so powerful. prayer verge. prayed so hard for peace and comfort. felt relief. amy prayed with me and then hannah. so good. started crying. so much love.
*said hi to like everyone afterwards. darelle, brad, heather and neal-made sure he got my email.
*went to go get raquetball rackets and came back. got a snacky snack of a chocolate covered pretzel! took one bite, brad went "ooo" and took and ate my pretzel. :( not cool.
*played raquectball with hannah. hilarious. i was getting hit like crazy with the ball. most hilarious when it hit me on the head and denash (sp?) witnessed it. embarassing. oh, denash let me use his racket since the one the school gave me was broken. very nice racket and gesture. i appreciated it a lot.
*came home, told b about life.
*got where the wild things are soundtrack delivered to me by steph from chelsea. listened to it while i gathered everything i was taking home on the floor.
Wednesday 11/11:
*NT-test, not that bad
*9 break-got an email saying german is cancelled! yay! can leave earlier. did german hw, SF assignment, packed everything in my bag
*left a little after 11
*drove first to fort chiswell for gas and lunch at mcdonalds
*christine asked me to be a bridesmaid. yayayay!
*on the road again, read and finished women's fellowship book, read new moon until dark, watched gossip girl on compy until home!
*home at 8:30-just in time for gleeeeee
*watched glee then sleep in my own bed. so nice. oh and i may have fbook chatted p
Thursday 11/12:
*woke up 10 ish
*hung out until 11:40ish watching tv/reading/fbook with p-we didn't have WC!
*showered and got ready for viewings
*1st viewing-good lots of people came
*dinner at eat 'n park-steak and eggs :) smiley cookie. love love love.
*2nd viewing-good-more people came
*met christine's fiance's fam. very nice and good that they came
*home, long day. chatted with hannah and b
*went to sleep
Friday 11/13:
*woke up 9, showered and put on my blackfit
*funeral service-really good. well done. good turnout. went to cemetery. Navy officers were there. folded flag, presented to mom, real hard. layed flower on casket.
*lunch at great china buffet-grandpa's favorite restaurant.
*lounged around house, reading new moon
*went to HS playoff football game to see the band. band really good, like always. played zorro songs. won game. woot. left with like 4 minutes left in 4th quarter
*got jamocha shake on way home from arby's. yum.
*fbooked with p and hung out downstairs
Saturday 11/14:
woke up early and showered in hopes of going to verizon store to be able to exchange phones and get grandpa's
*bfast-coffee cake :)
*went to gpa's house with mom and christine to feed molly (cat) and get movies. took other stuff out of the house.
*went home and ordered pizza for linner. ate outside-in november! crazy.
*went out with dad and christine. kohl's, verizon store-to see if they would give store credit or something for my phone, no dice. so wait until thanksgiving to get gpa's phone. i'm okay with that, giant eagle-got winter oreo's, cheez it's, and vanilla coke!!!!
*came home and read new moon until ready to leave. finished new moon, yayayay! fbook chatted phillip and chatted b
*left 11:30ish. drove first. only about 2 hours bc falling asleep. switched with mom. passed out in back until breakfast @ cracker barrel. got the usual, eggs in a basket. drove last hour to school.
*pulled in a little after 9. unloaded, b woke up just when i entered room. perfect timing. bed side mantel was sitting on chair. cool. broke while i was gone. gave to dad to fix.
*unpacked and got ready for church!
*church-really long but good.
*lunch in caf
*didn't do much all afternoon. tried to nap but didn't really. decorated fro xmas with b
*brcc dinner. didn't sit by ourselves this time! rory and matt orth's mother in law sat with us.
*drove the 2 minutes back to school without license. so freaking nervous.
*went to CVS to get xmas lights for my tree and tylenol pm for gina
*delivered med. chatted for a bit
*watched scrubs and put up my tree
*everyone came home, hung out
Monday 11/15:
*classes good
*lunch with b, damber, chels, megan
*did nothing really all afternoon except laundry, did do german
*hammocked with hannah, steph and chelsea. chelsea hammocked over water
*dinner with steph and chelsea. hannah met us. caf playing xmas music, made me really happy
*hung with hannah until she left for club
*folded laundry
*forfeited soccer game-alex and i only ones showed up!
*journaled for SF
*vball game-lost overall
*end of bible study-really good
*went to tape deck to watch for meteor shower, listened to Nsync xmas CD whole time, saw shooting starts. so cool, left bc everyone was cold but not me bc i had underarmour, scarf, hat, and gloves on.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
My morning classes were boring and lame. Then i went to guitar. i was the only one there. Chelsea was away with soccer, Meredith has been MIA the past few classes and hannah was sick. since hannah was sick again and i was the only one there, my teacher wanted to get hannah a get well card so we walked together to CVS and got her one. let me tell you some of the strange looks we got and how awkward it was. very. then when i got back to decker, i gave hannah her card and hef was there checking out decker. tori and i then departed for lunch whilst talking with hef about twilight and new moon. :) brittany was walking up the steps as we were leaving (yay, she's home!) so we waited for her outside to head to lunch. they had corn dogs! yay, i had two. then i came back and did my german homework real fast and then layed in bed and started to watch Glee on hulu. it's so good. i'm def addicted. it was then time for dinner and they had corn dogs again, i only had one this time. there was nothing else to eat. then after dinner, hannah was awake so we watched the proposal. such a good movie. lori came in and then amy brown, then brittany came back from lab, and damber came back from work, and tori came in from zumba but wanted to talk so we kicked her out. lol. then hannah left so we stopped the movie. she came back and told us that her temperature was 103.9. not good. :( so we all then congregated in hannah's room and hung with her and took care of her. shared music with gina. slept on the floor of hannah's room in a sleeping bag instead of the empty bed, smart idea-i know-lol, so that someone would be with her incase anything happened.
Thursday, 11.5.2009:
hannah's fever has gone down! PTL. but face still swollen. went to lab. only annika craig and i were there. i read twilight. annika marked everyone as there so she will be marking me as there for next week since i have a guatamala meeting next thursday. yay! left 15 minutes early. NO WESTERN CIVILIZATION today. it was a departmental conference or something. i was happy not to have class. finished watching the proposal with hannah. she liked it :) then we watched glee in my bed. went to lunch with brittany and hannah. got my HPC care package. almost sat with best friend but he went to go make his chicken into a sandwhich and took like 10 minutes doing it so we were done eating by the time he came back. he said his food had to be sexy, that's why it took so long. brittany and i came to the conclusion that he is weirder than us and we didn't think that's possible. all in one person too. there's three of us. crazy. oh! i had a bagel with butter and chocolate syrup! so so so good. they've had chocolate syrup out recently so i took advantage of it being there. went to acting class. read original monologues and did improf (sp?). always a fun class. after class i went to the rose garden since it was so nice out to read for women's fellowship. after finished the section, i came back wrote my journal entries for spiritual formation. then went to dinner with damber, hannah and brittany. then came back and watched a bit of glee with hannah before i had to go to college life. college life was fun. we played picture telephone, josh told his life story, kaley played songs and amy gave the talk. about patience and perseverance. then went to women's fellowship. rode there with melissa. had good conversation! women's fellowship was good. talking about healing the past. amy brown spilled water on the counter and then popcorn kernels upstairs. hilarious. got a pan of the delicious cinnamon rolls to bake later, prob sunday morning before church! came back and got ready for bed and went to sleep. woke up at 2am still with my headache. took two advil. passed out.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Tuesday, 10.27.2009:
*no dimensions but still somehow got credit for it
*studied for WC instead
*took test-knew a good bit. only didn't know some
*lunch with kaley and her friend patrick
*acting-did scene-i aged my character well and something about my anklets?
*donated blood! waited 3 hours, ridic. patrick called me his friend, phil scared me by sitting next to me quietly, when i was in the chair gina came from working out to be with me since it was my first time, darelle came too!, the lady who was taking my blood said "we got a gusher" just the thing i want to hear when donating bloood...tried to get darelle to sing, donating wasn't that bad, almost passed out afterwards-got really hot and fuzzy, got free lunch bag for 1st time donater with a pin inside!
*went to chick-fil-a with lauren, lori, damber, steve, phil, kurt and robert.
*did hw
*verge-justin mcroberts. so good, young lifer. got free music from a fb advertisement
*went to Amy Brown's apartment-hung out while they carved pumpkins
*came back to room to study but ended up making a video for brittany's wall with hannah and damber with the song watchya say by jason derullo
Wednesday, 10. 28.2009
*came back and studied for german
*skipped spiritual formation to study some german more
*took test-hopefully not too bad
*guitar-finger exercises
*lunch with tori and hannah-darelle sat with us wearing a mask, waited with darelle for him to finish his food
*meeting with Dr Davis about schedule, have to take 18 hours every semester from now on
*hung with hannah looking for acting stuff
*guatemala meeting at 4-really long but fun. good group. can't wait!
*went to mauney to get flannel fridays bracelet-borrowed money from trav for them, spencer said "welcome back to mauney" awkward.
*dinner by myself-corn dogs!
*hung out/did hw 6-8ish
*went to coffee shop with brittany at 8-she bought me coffee and a cinn roll. love her a lot.
*more hw. started to work on schedule and 4 year plan (technically 2 and a half). don't think i'll be graduating on time. :/
*got depressed so went to bed.
Thursday, 10. 29.2009:
*german lab-tried to do hw but failed. too much chatter
*WC-got best news ever, no class next week!
*lunch with brittany?
*acting-fun like always?
*learned to play raquetball from hannah. love it so much.
*college life. taking new direction, more intimate feel i guess you could say. whatev.
*women's fellowship. good. didn't read but shared a snuggie with hannah.
Friday, 10.30.2009:
*skipped german bc of splitting headache. ouch.
*went to guitar, took midterm and then left bc still had headache.
*went to lunch early with hannah and gina. met brittany and damber there.
*came back and napped a bit more, started watching gossip girl with hannah
*met brittany at book store but it was closed. went on adventure. there is so much to boiling springs that i had no idea about.
*came back and watched more gossip girl. got lori addicted.
*brittany got bad news. went to taco bell for dinner. came back and watched dodgeball to make b laugh.
*went to bull dog fest to ice skate with tori, tracy and gina. was super disappointed bc it was super dumb. but got free food and a glow stick.
*came back and made cookies
*hung out? i think watched somehting...can't remember
Saturday, 10.31.2009:
halloween and homecoming!
*went to the shack event. it was really good, really wish i had took my journal.
*came back to room and made costume. siamese twin dawg pound fan with hannah :)
*went to young life tailgate. so fun
*decided not to go to the football game
*came back and popped in finding nemo. with gina
*ordered jeans from express that def didn't need with melissa
*finished finding nemo
*took nap from 5-7:30
*just wanted to be by myself so i sat in the hall and read twilight.
*had a mad awesome dance party on D3. check out the videos on my FB page
Sunday, 11.1.2009:
*BRCC for church. felt really convicted about serving
*caf for lunch. mmm...fried chicken!
*homeworked a bit-worked on spiritual formation paper
*played raquetball with hannah
*went to BRCC dinner. driving without lights. sat by ourselves.
*went to leadership. fun game. good talk. josh called me brittany when taking communion.
*came back and hung out then sleep
Monday, 11.2.2009:
*nt-went in late bc i had to register. wished sean a happy birthday no reply. oh well.
*got german test back-got a b! yay!
*lunch with the gang. chelsea got a care package, like always and had amazing cookies.
*hmm...homeworked and watched elizabethtown
*helped brittany to her car
*did laundry
*dinner with gina. she didn't eat anything, just drank a coffee. veird.
*came back and worked on spiritual formation paper.
*amy brown came to hang out and do homework
*finished paper before bible study!
*bible study. sat on floor in the back of the coffee shop.
*came back and hung out in hannah's bed and chatted
Tuesday, 11.3.2009:
*went to dimensions even though i didn't have to. speaker had killed his father
*played ping pong afterwards
*went to WC-got test back-72! so good
*lunch with damber, amy brown, and kaley
*played guitar a bit before class
*played raquetball with hannah. actually kept score, lost both times :(
*worked out muscles
*did german homework
*dinner with gina in the kennel. grilled chicken sandwhich. yum
*went to library to work exegetical exercise number 5 for NT. finished in an hour and a half. woot!
*went to verge. got real upset about the band. so upset that it affected my singing and my desire to be there. but then message was real convicting. talked about turnign hate towards satan and not on the flesh/people. basically i should stop hating on the band and not let that deter me from going. the worship isn't for me anyways. i'm gonna be praying about it though. so we'll see.
*got text from mother that grandpa isn't doing better anymore. getting worse. had surgery. and is not doing well. praying hardcore for that.
*depressed now, so going to bed.
ah, never again.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Slept in until about 10:30 when pretty layed on me and my bed after her shower in her towel. ew. that definitely woke me. got my shower and then headed to brunch. chicken fingers, as always. yum! was planning on going to the coffee shop with b to read my spiritual formation book assignment book, Messy Spirituality (highly suggest it) but decided since it was such a gorgeous day to go read down by the lake in a hammock! so i read and hammocked for a solid 5 hours. love my life. gina came and hammocked with me too for some time. so glad she came and joined me. then gina and i went to dinner. there was nothing good at all. cereal and some vegetables and some very questionable strawberries. that's what i call a great dinner. then i came back to the room and went for a run. i went longer than what i've done before! yayayay! after that, since i was being anti-school spirit this day and not going to the football game, i just hung out in the room. can't really remember what i did do. hmm...well brittany came back from working at the game so we watched a movie! with damber and her "friend" ben for a bit. they left after about 30 minutes. we watched practical magical. which is a really really good movie. i'm real surprised i hadn't seen it before. anyways, i went right to sleep when it was done bc i was already in bed all nice and toasty. :)
Sunday, 10.25.2009:
Went to church this morning with Gina, Sarah and Gina's friend Mary Catherine. We went to Christ Covenant Church. It was interesting. The pastor was very long winded. I thought he was done like 6 different times but he just kept talking and talking. They had some awesome character in the church which i really liked, people weren't afraid to be themselves. the drummer was real cute. they served communion and served actual wine. very weird and interesting. all in all, church wasn't bad but definitely not my favorite. came back to school for some fried chicken. a sunday staple. on the way out stopped to ask Matthew a question but then ended up sitting down and talking with him about life. veird but good. then came back and studied by making flashcards all day long for western civ. no joke, took all day. :( about 2 minutes after i finished making the cards, gina came and asked if i wanted to finish the hannah montana movie now and of course i said yes. so watched that and then went to bed.
Monday, 10.26.2009:
Today was good. it was real pretty out. classes went ok. nothing exciting. went to lunch. going to lunch at 12 on monday is always crazy. there are SO many people. we always sit upstairs. and patrick was sitting upstairs too so we asked him to sit with us. that was good. i got the chance to ask him about last year when we saw someone going on a joyride with the UP golf cart. we've always suspected it to be him but wasn't sure and he confirmed it that it was him. so awesome. i have so much more respect for him now. he's cool. lol. after lunch came back and started studying my flashcards. studied all afternoon until about 3:40ish when hannah came back with juicy details. best friend had apparently made out with this girl on campus and they dated for a week!!!! ahhh, crazyyy. and that girl was the first girl that he kissed. too bad they didn't last. but he has to date hannah anyways so it's cool. then we went to our soccer game. we lost. oh well. i traded shirts with bradley. did the old soccer change. fun times. ate dinner with brittany, hannah, and damber. yay! ate some more cereal. came back and hung out with hannah until she left. then came back to my room and cleaned a bit and watched nsync and hanson videos online. then finally got back to studying. now i'm here. yay! now back to studying for the rest of the night and then bed.
wish me luck on my test tomorrow!!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Wednesday, 10. 21.2009:
shoot...can't really remember. this is why i need to do this every night. dang. well i can remember that we had our second intramural soccer game! we won!! but only bc the other team forfeited bc they had an actual soccer player on their team and that's against the rules. Wednesday wasn't that exciting anyways. I do remember though that i went to bed early (ish)! yay! i was in bed before 11! but i didn't fall asleep until after 11. boo.
Thursday, 10.22.2009:
today was real good. today was Hanson Concert Day! I can't believe it was finally here! i had german lab and western civ. nothing too exciting happened there. then i had lunch and went to acting class. i really did not want to go to class for some reason but boy am i glad i did. so many funny things happened. i love this class. i'm going to explain what happened here but they may or may not come across as funny and if they don't then just believe me that they are. First, we were doing scenes and in this particular scene there were two people on a date and as they pull up to the house the guy tries to kiss the girl (or vice versa but in my situation its the guy trying) but the girl refuses. Ok, so the paper says the guy reaches over to try and kiss the girl. Every person did it subtly and smoothly but my guy interprets that as reach over grab the back of my head and pull me in for a kiss. utterly hilarious. and awkward. so much. but nonetheless, we got the whole class to laugh for a good bit. Then, we are doing the scenes again and my professor says, "patrick and amy, you go do it out in the hall" and that's all she says. everyone started bursting out laughing and then she just broke down in laughter. she then completed her thought and gave us a new scenario to do. again, awkward but hilarious. Then, we were all on stage and had to sit in a chair in an interesting way and then how our character for the play we're doing would. patrick went and for his first time sitting on the chair he squatted on it and made squirrel sounds. hannah got so excited that she spit her gum out onto the floor and said "oh my gum!" everyone died laughing. acting was SO good today. After acting I didn't do much. I did go mail a check to PSECU and deposit some money. By the time i got back from that it was time to leave for the Hanson Concert!!! ahhhh! we stopped for chick-fil-a on the way there and then picked up amy's sister and her boyfriend. We got there really quickly! the concert was at Amos's bar in charlotte. right when we arrived they were letting people in so we didn't have to wait in line long. i was super excited that since i was under 21 and it was a bar that i was going to be getting black x's on my hands. i'm a loser, i know but it was real exciting. they had three opening bands. sherwood-which i really liked and then steel train or something like that. didn't really like them too much but they were good. then hellogoodbye. i only knew 2 of their songs and they performed well. they were funny. and then finally after waiting for like thirty minutes (no joke) hanson came out. ahhhh. they performed so well. it was definitely one of the best concerts i have ever been to, i believe. i've been to a lot too. so i think that says something. i really like that they share the spotlight, they all have a chance to sing which you don't see with most bands. taylor is super hot and he is going to be my husband. love love love. i was so happy that amy brown tried to get backstage. one of her friends dad went to college with mr hanson and he still talks to him and such so they are usually backstage at concerts. they told amy to just go back stage but the stupid security guard wouldn't allow her and her sister to go back. saddd. that would have been the best night ever!! ah well the concert ended and i didn't get back until about 1:30 but it was well worth it. :) oh! i bought 4 hanson stickers for $5! now what i am going to do with 4 stickers...idk. well one is going to hannah and one will be going on my water bottle and one on my computer so that leaves one to go somewhere...hmmm.
Friday, 10.23.2009:
i woke up for my 8am class about 2 minutes before it started. i just LOVE sleeping in until when class starts. :/ class was fine and then i went to breakfast, i ate with darelle (best friend) again. that boy sure is strange. then i came back and took a shower and wrote my german writing assignment real fast. i went to spiritual formation, german and guitar. blah, classes are no fun. i went with brittany and hannah as they ran errands around boiling springs. we stopped at the new candy store that just opened. mmm...they have caramel apples. i really wanted one but brittany wouldnt buy me one. after we ran those errands we ended up going on some adventures. we ventured through different apartment places bc b wants to live in off campus so she can have a dog and we went to a part of campus that has the radio station, studio 150 and a boys dormitory. i've never been back there except to go to studio 150. we then came back to school bc both hannah and brittany had to leave. hannah to windy gap and brittany to a deaf event in charlotte. once they left i took an hour or so nap. then i went to dinner with gina. then hung out in the room until about 7 and went to the girls soccer game with melissa and amy. they won! i left early and went to Hapy to hang out with Sarah. when i got there they were watching the end of the hills have eyes. seen it. i also got my eyebrows waxed for free! by some girl that was also hanging out with us. score. i've wanted to them done for awhile i've just been too cheap to actually get them done. we then watched the proposal. ah, such a good movie. i loved it. i then came back to the room and went to sleep.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
*went to dimensions this morning. sat with the usual peeps-hannah, tori, brittany and damber. KG sat with us too! i was so excited and happy when i saw that she was sitting with us. i want to become her best friend. she's so sweet and awesome. the "speaker" if i can even call him that because he was a singer was really good. he provided superb background music to my reading. he also tried to start something new and have us stand up at points and "get into" the music. it failed. obviously he doesn't know what he walked in to. lol. more than half of the students are only there for their credit. only a small percentage (me and hannah!) actually like being there.
*after dimensions there was time before classes started so we went to go play ping pong to pass the time. i was on a team with KG against hannah and brittany and tori played each other. i love going to play ping pong. especially after dimensions. this was the best idea ever. it's def now a tradition.
*today was a dress rehearsal for acting so i walked to class in my long dress that i got at goodwill to class. so fun. everyone kept telling me i looked really good, which was strange bc the dress is like 2 sizes too small and i would never really wear anything like it. the person that really looked good was hannah. she looked so cute! love it. we actually did our scene really well. yay! since we hadn't done it since before break (like 2 weeks!)
*i painted damber's and tori's nails black. made them emo! yay! it's spreading.
*hung out and did homework, helped gina with her schedule (although she didn't need much help)
*went to my first outdoor intramural soccer game! we lost 5-2 :( but oh well it was really fun and that's all that really matters. so funny story, remember brad from the previous post? and how i like have a holding hands date with him when i'm donating blood? well, we prayed before the game and i was standing next to him and when he said, alright let's pray, he held out his hands like he wanted to do hold hands while we prayed, like a circle thing so i grabbed his hand and i tried to grab hannah's hand but she said don't touch me but anyways, the person on the other side of brad did not grab his hand so him and were the only ones that were holding hands. awk. damber looked up and saw (at the end of the prayer) and immediately started laughing. she basically lost it. so not funny. :( it's not my fault he put his hands out!
*found out that I'M GOING TO GUATAMALA on a mission trip over spring break. :) :) :) :)
*had a movie night. we "watched" lion king 1 and a half. and i put that in quotations bc there was lots of chatter going on throughout the whole thing. let's see who was here: me, hannah, brittany, gina, damber, megan, amy brown, steven and phillip. yes, the hapy boys finally came to a movie night! yay! but don't think they really wanted to be here. oh well. oh! steph, tori and lauren were in and out.
*the hapy boys showed us the most hilarious video ever. watch:
(p.s.-it's a spoof of an O.C. episode)
that's all folks. today was real good. :) can't wait for tomorrow!
Monday, October 19, 2009
*i actually had a breakfast buddy this morning and she goes by the name of damber. she was skipping her class but i didn't mind bc i ate with somebody!!
*i signed up to donate blood for the first time in my life. i first signed up with my friends but then i realized i had class during the time i had signed up for (yes i'm idiot, i realize this) so i either could change the time or just not do it at all bc since this was my first time i didn't want to do by myself. so i told brad, the guy/my friend who was signing people up my life story and he said that he would come with me and hold my hand and be encouraging. i can't wait for next tuesday now when i will be holding his hand (and saving lives...minor detail.)
*hannah and i spent the afternoon in the library working on exegetical exercise number four for new testament. it was fun fun. rather easy. until my strong's number wasn't in the dicitonary! so upset.
*got a phone call from my sister, christine. SHE IS ENGAGED!!!!!!! :) :) :) finally. i'm so freaking excited.
*i worked out tonight! it felt really good to be in the gym on the elliptical and lifting machines and everything else. oh how i've missed the gym. but also got sad news while there, i weighed myself...i have gained 5 pounds since i've been at school. :( and i can tell so i need to work on eating healthier (like a salad with every meal please) and getting a constant work out routine.
*went to bible study. all in all a good time. talked about hebrews 2:1-4. go look it up. it'll be well worth it. after bible study, i bought a purple (!!) BRCC travel mug. yay! can't wait to use it.
*Damber came in the room once i was back and we hung out and chatted. she has crabs. and she keeps them in a box, that she got from her church. oh the hilariosity. inside joke, just writing it down so i can remember it. lol. :)
all in all, a very good day!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
*lunch. saw best friend-told him to come to soccer game and college life. most normal conversation we've ever had with him.
*coffee shop with hannah and brittany to do homework. actually got things accomplished. tried to find a geocaching location but epically failed. must try again.
*stood outside the ATM on campus with brittany watching hannah epically fail at getting money out. hilarious.
*watched hairspray
*chatted with gina
*tried to play guitar
*fell asleep on bed in clothes. b and hannah woke me up but were recording it. not funny. lol.
*talked with erika on IM. tried to send her music but it failed halfway through. :(
Saturday, October 17, 2009
*Friday was real good.
*guitar didn't happen-again!
*went to Young Life office with Hannah
*played mario kart
*went to the bookstore---hannah pushed brittany over when she got real excited about finding the book slumdog millionaire
*went on adventure behind book store to see where it went. not exciting, just a baseball field.
*went to the new jewelry/haircut store-got an awesome necklace earring set for $5
*"helped" the dog pound set up for their tie dyeing event but really just stole 2 t shirts-a medium for me and a 5XL for hannah. lol.
*went to bulldog madness. got a free t shirt. two t shirts in one day!!
*left bulldog madness early. went to coffee shop to import sweet music from hannah onto itunes. hannah watched the office.
*freaked out at coffee shop. they have purple travel mugs.
*got ride back from Gary because of rain. he started to sing battlefield randomly.
*woke up at 10 :-)
*randomly decided to curl my hair
*ate lunch with best friend!!
*went to the football game to see the half time show. band was really good. sat with sarah, monica, her boyfriend and sarah's sister. stayed for 3rd quarter bc sarah insisted. was on tv. saw the worst football injury in my life happen. it was disgusting. left right after that.
*went to gaffney outlets with damber and brittany. didn't buy anything. so proud of myself.
*went to see where the wild things are with hannah, brittany, phil, steve and molly. hang out with hapy boys was a fail and the movie was a fail. did not like it at all. was real depressed afterwards bc i didn't like it and i spent the money on it.
*hung out and talked with amy brown, hannah, brittany then lori then damber. :) amazing way to end the nightttt.
:) it's been a good past two days. love my life.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
*there are 5 asians on campus now (sorry if that sounds racists---it's not)
*car ride with melissa to blair's and talked about road signs
*baked cookies with b and then hannah
*just found out from Gina that sloths sleep for 20 hours. love their life.
((i have decided to do bullet points instead of paragraph(s). much faster this way!)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
until tomorrow. peace.
A little something every day
I shall begin in the next post!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
D3 pool party
Owl City Concert
new best friend

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A long awaited update
Monday, August 10, 2009
To my surprise...
So with that said, I can't wait for this week to be over. This job has sucked a whole lot. But it has been beneficial to me and am really blessed to have even had a job this summer. It has paid really well, has kept me busy (well not really but like in the sense that it has kept me out of the house?), helped me to not sleep away my summer break, has gotten me into a good sleep pattern that I hope will carry over to school especially since I have an 8AM class MWF and most definitely I have learned that i do NOT want to sit at a desk for the rest of my life. One more week! yayay! I will not miss this place. lol.
6 days!!!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
So moral of this post, go check out le websites. You won't regret it (only if you ample downtime-bc you won't be able to stop reading).
10 dayssss. (what!?!!?)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How should Brittany and I arrange our room for the 09-10 school year?
Room Design One:
Monday, July 27, 2009
I was hanging out with Megan and Marissa at Applebee's. We had finished our meal and everything so decided to go to the church so we all got into our seperate cars and went there. Once there, we didn't go inside the church, Marissa suggested to go hiking-ish. Apparently, there's now a mountain next to the church/in the middle of Hampton. So we climbed it but it wasn't that difficult, the path was clearly marked and not hard at all. Once out there the view was beautiful. You could see all of Hampton and it was really pretty for some reason. Marissa and Megan thought I was crazy when I said that I had never climbed this mountain before. We then decided to go visit Karen at work, McDonald's. We decided that we would walk along route 8 instead of driving. Insane, I know but that's what we did. We didn't even climb down the mountain, we were automatically on route 8 and Craig was there. So we all walked to McDonalds. We get there and Karen is super busy so she can't even take 2 seconds to come out to talk with us so we go in the basement of McDonald's and it turns into the house of Melissa, our friend from music camp. Our other friend from camp, Mackenzie is there too along with 2 young boys that I recognized from camp but don't know their names. I think one or both was Melissa's brother(s), if she has brothers?. I'm not really sure. Anyways, we walk in like we own the place and immediately go to Melissa's room. Strangely, all four of them lived in the same room (although the house was wayy big enough for them each to have their own room) and were getting ready for bed/in bed. I don't really remember what we talked about but I know that Melissa went to bed shortly after we arrived and I at some point was laying in the same bed with Mackenzie, gabbing away i guess. Time went by when I realized that at some point Marissa, Megan and Craig were all gone. I got super pissed that they had left me especially since we had walked and I didn't have a phone. And since I didn't have a phone, I had no numbers to call them no matter how many times the 2 young boys offered me to use their phone. I finally got so fed up with it that I came up with the brilliant idea to mail something to Megan. Makes complete sense, right? Well the young boy, I believe Matt, gave me ducktape and a pen. So I made a ducktape ball and wrote on it, "thanks for leaving me." I then grabbed Melissa's phone, which woke her up, and looked for Megan's address. And that's all I can remember. Strange, very strange.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The hilarious Bday card.
(click on the picture to make it bigger)
Casual Friday/Casual Dress Code
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Best Week/Weekend...of this summer...everrrrr! (and then some)
For real, it was. Let's recap:
Monday 7/13:
Marissa and I made care packages for Karen and Megan at Camp. I went to Target, love this store, and I bought a whole bunch of snack foods, little odds and ends, and 2 shipping boxes. I then went to Marissa's house where we wrote letters and decorated the 2 shipping boxes ridiculously. No joke, the outsides look all cute with pictures from camp, HP, the celeb male that they like, and we colored them too. Then you open them and what do you see...a whole freaking mess of stickers upon stickers. We used up pretty much all of marissa's stickers that she has collected over the years since like 5th grade. lol. It looked like a sticker bomb went off. We also wrote letters to couselor Leila! and sent old HP valentines to Joel. We were kind of nervous for those, kind of regretted sending them and hoped that it didn't make things
Tuesday 7/14:
I don't think I did anything today, just stayed at home and relaxed. Oh! I tried to finish my HP marathon. I watched 2 and a half movies (3, 4 and half of 5) in one night. I finished 5 when I came home from work the next day.Wednesday 7/15:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince came out today! Work was real tough to get through because I just wanted to go see HP! I got home, I changed and I waited for Marissa to tell me that it was okay for me to come over. I hurried over and jumped right into her car and we set off for the mills! We got there a little later than planned so we changed our eating plans from Steak and Shake to somewhere in the food court. We ate at Charley's Grill and Subs (something like that) and it was delicious. I got a steak and cheese sandwhich, it was very good. I do love me some steak and cheese (without onions and peppers, of course). It was about 20 until the movie started so we thought we would go get a good seat. We were wrong. We should have gone in probably 10 minutes beforehand to get a seat that we really wanted. We ended up sitting like 6th row to the left of center. It wasn't bad but obviously would have liked to be farther back. I didn't have to crane my neck that bad. I thought the movie was good. I didn't know what to think of it at first but it was funny, they finally got the humor of the books. I didn't agree with a lot of the changes they made but if you take a look at it from the movie perspective they make sense and I don't get why they added a whole new scene that has no point. I just don't get it. I also think they focused on the wrong relationship, yes ron and lavender are important but really, aren't harry and ginny more important?? whatev. all in all, good movie. Once the movie was over, before all the lights came up, I'm pretty sure I saw my co-worker, Steve, but I didn't want to make eye contact and have an awkward moment so I just kept on walking hoping that he didn't see me. lol. Which I don't think he did bc he didn't say anything the next day or could just be ignoring the fact that we saw each other like I am. Anyways, the night was not over there. When we got out to the car, Marissa had accidently left the lights on her car so we had to call her parents and then wait for her dad to come to jump the car. *I asked my dad if AAA covered the cars that we own or me, and it covers me so we could have called AAA too* About a half hour later than expected, we were on our way home!!
Thursday 7/16:
I spent today getting ready for the weekend. I washed the car. After trouble getting started---I shut off the water to the whole house, oops---so the hose water had no pressure and I was about to freak out because the hose didn't have any kinks in it, and I turned on the spickets (just not the right ones) and if it didn't work then I was gonna be pissed bc I just got the hose out for no reason and I hate getting it out/putting it away. Super annoying. Anyways, I called my mom and asked her if she knew which spickets I had to turn on and she didn't so she went over to my dad, who hadn't started playing his softball game yet and he told me the right one. SO I fixed it. It still didn't work immediately but after awhile it got going. That was fun, right? Not really. I then cleaned Hannah's and mine fishies tank because I haven't since the last time I did at school. So it had been awhile. I made my mom find me a bowl for Riley because she has grown since we got her and thought that they both might like their own space. I think they do. Eli didn't jump out onto the floor so he gets to live until the next time. Seriously, if he jumped out this time I was gonna leave him there. I think he knew that so he didn't. haha. Anyways, I then made rice krispy treats to take to Hannah's because they're one of her favs. All that took me to about 9:30 and I still had to pack for Hannah's and the trip the next day. I packed for the next day and that took toooooo long so I didn't get to pack for Hannah's.
Friday 7/17:
Lambec day! I woke up relatively early but still got the chance to sleep in later than I usually wake up. I think I finally rolled out of bed like 8:30 or 9ish and got a shower, got ready, and threw some last minute things together. An hour later, I headed out stopping at BP on the way to pick up Marissa for a large free coffee! yay! I picked Marissa up and we were on our way! We were heading for Camp Lambec, my favorite place on earth, for the concert that the camp puts on at the end of the week for parents and friends to enjoy. We were making this a whole day trip with stops on the way. Our first stop was Westminster, Marissa's college. We were hoping to run into Mr. Chip Stapleton because The New Wilmington Missionary Conference started the next day so we thought he may already be there, but he wasn't. But we did run into Mr. Nolan and got to chat with him for a good bit, and Mrs. Dawson! After chatting with them we snuck into Marissa's new dorm for next year and saw a room that she is technically not supposed to see ever since she is in Kappa Delta. That was exciting, more for her than me. lol. We then tried to sneak up so we could see her room but there were workers in the stairwell so we couldn't. Oh, we also tried to get up into the bell tower that is above one of her buildings but couldn't find the entrance. fail. After Westminster, we went to the Grove City Outlets where we went to The Fudgery and I met her roommates boyfriend, Derek. He's cool and I like fudge. lol. After we visited him at work, we went to Old Navy---they were having 40% off sale of EVERYTHING in the store so I got a pair of jeans and a white cami. Marissa also got a pair of jeans. And really, our whole purchase was 50% off becase Marissa had a 10% off card. score! super steal of a deal. We then ventured to American Eagle and Gap but didn't stay long because we were for real hungry. We got back in the car and headed out to Cracker Barrell :) :) :) which is a Lambec tradition...more for Marissa than me but I still really like Cracker Barrell so I had no problem agreeing to stop. I got my usual, eggs in a blanket. So good. We were barely there for 20 minutes because we got there at like 2:45 and they were not busy at all. I started to teach Marissa how to play farkel but our food came shortly after so had to stop. *we must pick up the game later, fyi* So after only like 25 minutes, we were back on the road! The weather so far, had been decent. It hadn't really rained on us the whole trip so we were really excited to get to Presque Isle and be able to relax and enjoy the decent weather. I was also excited to see if I recognized places at all, because my family and I vacationed in Erie for atleast 12 years of my life. I did recognize some things, but we arrived a different way so I didn't see everything. Of course, as soon as we get to the Presque Isle area it starts to rain. It sucked. We pull off at a beach and head out to the waters jackets/sweatshirts and umbrellas in hand. The only reason why I want to hold an umbrella on a beach is to block out the sun not rain. :( Since Marissa goes to school close to home, she has friends that live in the area so she was talking with one of them when she called Marissa and was like where you at? I'm at beach seven for Mike's party. We were one beach down from there. So we got back in the car and headed that way. We met up with Renee, Marissa's friend who I have met on previous trip(s) up to Westminny. She graciously invited us back to her house and showed us around. I love her house. It's pretty much never ending! She thought her hot tub was broken but her mother said it wasn't so we went in the hot tub in the rain (mind you, it wasn't raining horribly. just drizzling). =D We got to use our swimsuits that we brought! yay! The time came for us to get out and leave to head to LAMBECCC!!! We already knew that the concert was moved inside but was told it was a different location from when it was moved inside the last time so we headed straight for camp anyways. Plus, we were hoping that we may be able to get out and walk around a little bit. Not so fortunate. As soon as we pulled in we were stopped, told it was moved, handed directions and told to leave. Stop, go straight to jail (Springmore Elementary School), and do NOT pass go (Lambec). We were totes sad. We just wanted to see camp. So we arrived at the elementary school and immediately saw Mrs. Debaldo and Mrs. Kelly carrying the girls stuff out to the car so of course, we helped. It felt like we were campers and helping our parents to carry our own stuff to the car. After we helped, we headed into the gymnasium/auditorium. We immediately saw people that we knew...obviously. It was so veird to be there and not being a camper. We got really good seats, second row!, in the same row as the Debaldo's and Mrs. Kelly. The concert finally started! The band started it off with The Star Spangled Banner, like usual. The band as a whole was really pretty good. I really did enjoy it. I wasn't cringing at every song or note. I was shocked. The band part quickly ended and after some rearranging and re-setting up of the stage, the choral concert started!!! Amazing, wonderful, loud, passionate, crazy. Just some ways to describe how it was. It really truly is amazing how the camp can perform such an awe inspiring performance after only seeing the music for the first time 5 days earlier. It was super hard to be sitting in the audience listening. I wanted to be on that stage so freaking bad. I kept getting teary eyed every know and then. I fought them back because that would be super awkward for everyone to see a girl crying in the audience. It's normal to see campers crying but an audience member? I almost lost it towards the end because Karen was really starting to tear up and it's her last year (and Megan's!) so I was sad for her, also that the concert was almost over and they were showing pictures like they usually do of camp so that made me sad. The concert was so good. I truly do miss it. a lot. Anyways, after the concert we stuck around, for a loooong time. It's nice not to have parents there nagging you to leave. We talked with Megan and Karen, of course. Andrea, she was a fellow camper and she came up to see her sister, Counselor Leila, old counselors of ours, other campers, other hampton peeps and Joel. :) Ah! I love Joel. It was so good to catch up with him. Oh and those valentines we sent him were the BEST idea ever. He had them in his choir book so he could show them to us and how much he appreciated them. excited that we sent them. Joel is great. If only he were younger...or actually, if only he didn't have a girlfriend. lol. but that doesn't stop Ma. jk. Nothing will happen and I'm not expecting it to! But I can dream...along with every other girl at camp as well. haha. So after a good bit, we finally decided to leave but NOT before we got our staring picture with joel and of course a normal one. I'm so happy that we got those pictures AND that Karen passed on the tradition of 1, 2, 3 Stare at Joel. It makes me smile to know that the tradition will live on. Marissa and I finally made our break for it and headed back after a short stop of looking at maps because the GPS wanted to take us home a way I was not familiar with but got back on track real quick. We arrived home safe and sound about an hour and a half or so later after listening to Nsync pretty much the whole way home. :) love it. When I got home though, my night wasn't over. I still had to pack for Hannah's. I was up for probably another hour or so packing/talking with Brittany. I finally got enough packed that I could fall asleep. I passed out.
Saturday 7/18:
I had set my alarm for 6am bc I had planned to leave at 7 so that I could get down to VA as soon as humanly possible but I slept through it and woke up an hour later at 7. I got up, showered, got dressed and packed some last minute things. I loaded the car with everything, grabbed a poptart and headed out the door! I was on the road by 8:15! not bad. Made a quick at BP for another free coffee and then I was back on the road. I only made two stops on the whole trip...both for bathrooms. Yes, coffee does go right through you. I made it to Hannah's safe and sound. I actually think I cut ten minutes off the arrival time...hehe. So I get there and the first thing we farkel. yep, we're obsessed. I think we then watched some Gilmore Girls. After that episode, Hannah showed me around her town. Showing me around didn't take long so we parked in old town and walked around for a bit. Most shops were already closed except for one crazy store that had pretty everything you could think of. It was crazyyyy. They had glowstick wands, I wanted one. lol. We then walked over to a walking/biking/running trail that they built. So we wakled on that for a bit and followed a random trail that led us to a neighborhood but then led us back to the trail. That was fun. Once we got back to the car we headed for Borders. I love that place. We looked around for a good bit, pretty much covered the whole entire store. After that, we headed back to Hannah's house and had dinner. of my favs. After dinner, we met with Hannah's friend Emily and went to old town for a bluegrass/swing/raggae/any type of music concert performed by a band that I forget their name but that wasn't the highlight. There are traveling hippies that come and dance in the street the whole time. They get real into it, they were nuts. They were starting to sweat after only like 5 minutes. ridic. We left the concert a little early so we could go to another one of her friends house for a bonfire he was having but he ended not being home yet so we just stayed in and watched some more Gilmore Girls. Not long after that we went to bed.
Sunday 7/19:
Slept in a little bit but not really. Got up and got ready and then headed out for church! It was in an elementary school. I think thats def a southern thing, to have church not in a church. Not saying it's a bad thing but the first time I went to a church service not in a church building was at school for BRCC when they were at the elementary school (before they switched to the YMCA). Church was good. I really liked the music. It was pretty much very similar to TP. So it was good. After church we went to G Whilikers to buy pocket farkel for me but they were sold out! :( So Hannah is gonna go back later to get me one when they most likely will have it. yay! We went home and I made left over tacos for lunch and then we watched some GG while we waited for it to be time to go to the fair! It was finally time! We got there and went to all the animals. There were so many! There were cows, sheep, goats, ducks, chicks-so cute!, chickens, a peacock (!!), billygoats, and bunnies. I want a bunny. They were all so cool. I never knew there were so many different kinds of birds with different designs for feathers. It truly is amazing. God is so creative! We then decided to check out the rides. I rode this spinny one where you stood the whole time, it was kind of relaxing. And then Hannah and I rode one that was like the pit fall at Kwood but much much much shorter. Although once on it, it's higher than you think. After that we caught back up with Mrs. Vaughn and made one last stop at a building where there were large vegetables on display, photographs and flowers. It was sweet. After that we left. We only stayed at the fair for like 45 minutes I think. It's not as big as the Cleveland County fair and not as fun when you have to buy tickets for rides and can't just use your armband. Well we went back home popped in GG and probably 30 minutes later...I fell asleep. I took like a 3 hour nap. Hannah and Scout! napped too but I was the longest. Naturally. When I finally woke up, it was time for dinner! Mrs. Vaughn had prepared a wonderful grilled chicken salad with corn on the cob. It was fab. I had to eat quickly though because we had to leave in like 15 minutes for Young Life summer fellowship. I grabbed dessert to go and we headed out. We met up/parked at Emily's house again and walked a couple streets down to where we were gathering. It was really sweet to meet other young life leaders and other young lifers. There were high schoolers there but I didn't really realize until afterwards when Hannah was telling me about everyone. Going to that made me really want to be in a bible study here at home but there isn't a 'college' bible study group, although my youth pastor said he was gonna do one but he's busy so we get put on the back burner like the usual. Oh well. I'll be back at school soon and hopefully bible study monday night will still be happening. Who knows. After summer fellowship-Emily, Hannah and I went to their friend, Lauren's house to see her because she had just gotten back from a world changer's trip. She was super excited to see them and super nice and happy. She was sweet. I liked her. We stayed and chatted for a bit there. We dropped of Emily and then headed home. We watched some TV/GG and skyped with Brown Amy. That was fun and good to talk with her! Hannah karate chopped me in the head. Then we chatted with Brittany for a bit. Hannah went to bed. I wasn't tired because I had napped so I stayed up talking with Brittany and watching TV. After a little while Spencer started talking to me bc he thought it was Hannah. So I told him it was me and he was like oh cool. It turned out that he made a chat room with Brittany (thank goodness) so the three of us chatted. It was real good. I'm glad he accidently started talking to me. It was real late so we all said goodnight and went to bed. I think it was like 1:30. That's the latest I have stayed up this whole summer!
Monday 7/20:
I woke up like at 11:30. I legit slept in today. so good. I came out of my room and Hannah was walking up the steps at the exact moment, perfect timing. So we went to her room, chatted a bit-told her about the previous night activities and then went to shower/pack things up to leave :(. I was soon being kicked out of Hannah's house but not before we played one last game of farkel together. I left a little after 12:30 and got home right at 5 with only one stop on the way home! I was barely home for 2 minutes when my parents and I went out to McDonalds for dinner. Then my parents went to my dad's softball game and I went home to wash my laundry and to watch the shows that I recorded while I was away.
Tuesday 7/21:
My last day as a teenager. I didn't do anything special. Went to work. Came home. Went to my orthodontist appointment for my 6 month check up. That was a waste of time. I thought I was done after this check up but I have to go back in 6 months for an x-ray to see if my wisdom teeth are there or whatever. I guess it makes sense because if they don't keep track of it and they start to rupture (?-right word) then they'll mess up my now straight teeth! I came home after that and spent the rest of the night in my room, i believe, most likely. I chatted with Marissa, caught her up on my life specifically with the boy because I hadn't told her anything. 10:30 rolled around and I was tired so I got ready for bed. I didn't even make it to 12 so I could officially say that I was 20! oh well. I turned my phone on silent because I figured I would be getting a few texts at 12 and didn't really want to be awoken. I'm so glad I did because I had like 3 messages and a voicemail! and I didn't wake up during any of them. yay!
Wednesday 7/22:
MY 20TH BIRTHDAY. The day started out really well, I had text messages, a voicemail, wall posts on facebook. I still had to go to work so I left and I was actually a bit early. I then realize half way to work, that I forgot my cell phone. Great. On my bday and the one day that I am expecting a phone call. Grrr. Luckily, I have an address book so I was still able to call Melissa from my work phone and we chatted for a short bit. I didn't want to use up all of her minutes since I wasn't using a verizon phone. Then I went out to eat with my dad and sister for our weekly meal and it just so happened to occur on my bday (you would think that the creator of the meal schedule planned it so). Rest of work was boring and long. Then I came home and I had 12 new messages! That was a plus of forgetting my phone! But I'll won't do it again. My mom made dinner, meatballs and scalloped potatos. oh and green beans but i don't care for those. I then opened one present, a pittsburgh pirates baseball shirt. Then I went to Eat N Park to meet the girls from The Physics Brigade for dessert. That was a good time. That needs to happen again, please. Karen and Megan got me a present too! which I was not expecting at all. A night out with my girlfriends was all I needed, really. They got me a blue with white flowers shoulder book bag. It's really cute and I love it. I especially love the inside, bright yellow. :) reminds me of D3. Marissa and I afterwards went to Target just because and I found a long dress that I like that is an option. I still have to go to Forever 21 and try on the one I like there. I then came home and prob stayed up for a bit longer and then went to sleep.
Thursday 7/23:
Today, we officially celebrated my dads and mine birthdays! We had dinner. There was SO much food. We had steak, baked potatos, corn on the cob, rolls, and pancakes with corn and chocolate chips. I ate so much at dinner that I was super full and didn't really want dessert. But I ate anyways bc it was my fav-mint brownies :) :) Then came presents! I got the rain jacket I wanted, the zip around wallet from vera bradley and an itunes gift card. I really want to rain now and I don't know what songs I should get with my gift card! The wallet is perfect, I love it and I'm using it already. yay! It was a good birthday. (The old me would be upset about the few presents but really they all were good and the jacket and wallet were kind of expensive) Oh, and I did technically get a guitar for my birthday, it was one of my aunt's.
Side note: I've talked to Spencer pretty much every single night since Monday except Wednesday. So the friendship is going good! yay!
*I vow never to delay posting what has happened in my life ever again. This was way too long and took too much time. If I don't blog about it within a couple days, I won't blog about it.
**So this means, that I won't ever have a posting this long again.
Hope you've enjoyed this...if you've made this far! lol.