Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A long awaited update

So I left off with my last day off work...

After work, I came home and did very minimal packing (aka watched Smallville) and then I went to Criag's house to swim :) and to have a blaze (bonfire) with The Physics Brigade. This get together was mandatory since I was leaving so soon and it would be the last time we would all be together before all the youngins went off for their first year of college!!!! Ah, so exciting! Like usual, it was a marvelous time. We had good conversations, had a blast in the pool-even though it wasn't that warm but a nice temperature, and then migrated over to the fire where we roasted giant marshmallows. No chocolate, so no s'mores :( but there was peanut butter which the rest enjoyed! The night was SO good. Oh! Craig told us of a freaking crazy story. He went to some lady who says she can see your guardian angel(s) and she draws you a picture depending on what your guardian angel(s) say(s). It was scarily accurate. It was amazing. I really really want to go now. I'll have to keep it on my to-do list most definitely.

Saturday, I slept in. duh. but I was up before noon, so that's good. Saturday was spent packing, like legit packing. I spent alllllll day packing. Note to self-don't procrastinate on packing next year. Evenly spread it out. Or even better, don't watch Smallville while packing. lol. My mother and I did venture to Dunham's because they were having a tent sale so naturally, I just told my mom about it and she offered to buy me stuff. score! I had narrowed it down to two shoes. A pair of nike shox and a pair of Sperry rainboots but I talked myself out of both pairs because I do not need any shoes. I did however get a pair of nike shorts WHICH I LOVE. I wish they were cheaper bc then I would buy so many more. I must keep a look out for sales on them!

Sunday, I went to church for the last time at HPC! It was good. I got to see Marissa, Craig and Karen again. SO good. After church, I got gas and headed home to do some last minute packing. Shortly after, we were on the road to come back to school!! I didn't do much in the car. I read Eat, Pray, Love, drove for a bit-my mother was not happy that she then had to sit next to Riley, Hannah's fish, slept, and watched Smallville. We finally pulled into Shelby and the hotel we were staying at at around 9:30 which just happened to be the same hotel Brittany was staying at! Yayay! Brittany and I chatted and just hung out. It was a good time, until I left to go to bed. lol. It was a long day of sitting in a that a good excuse? idk.

Monday!!! Move-in day! w00t! I arrived at school around 9am and lugged all my crap up the three flights of stairs. I don't even know how many trips we made but I def think it was more than last year. Of course, this year I had my stuff all in smaller boxes whereas last year I fit all my stuff into 3 huge boxes so that definitely affects the trips. After we unpacked everything, Brittany's dad and mine worked on bunking the beds so that we could have more floor space. Once again, Brittany's dad pulled out the drill so the connecty things would align up. Once all that was done, my parents decided that they should go so they left. I continued to unpack a little more and then Brittany, Brittany's dad and I went to chick fil a and walmart! We got some things that we needed for our room and some things that we forgot at home. We then went back to the room and started to rearrange and unpack. I really like how the room is set up this year. We have a lot of floor space this year which is good. We went with room design 3 (look at a previous post to see designs that I made!). We then went to Josh and Blair's for a move-in day cookout. It was so good to see everyone! I have thoroughly missed everyone. I was so stoked that I got to see Melissa!! It had been too long for her and everyone else. None of the boys showed up which was weird but apparently they thought they weren't invited. eh, oh well. Oooh, we got last on the way to their house too! We ended up in the ghetto so it was kind of scary but we all were laughing hysterically the whole time so it was all good. We got back to the street that we needed to be on and got there safe and sound. yay!

Tuesday! was so good. Brittany and I got up and went on our bike ride, as planned! We planned to do 2 but ended up only doing 1. After that, we showered and then went job hunting for me. That was pretty fruitless. I filled out an application to subway and picked up applications from a few other places but most places weren't hiring. Keep in mind, I don't have a car on campus so where ever I work has to be within walking or biking distance so that thoroughly limits my possibilities. After that we went to the club fair. Why? to get free stuff of course and to stop by the young life table! While there, I also filled out an application to work for phonathon/dialing dogs. I'm probably gonna get that job so whoo, i guess. I'm not sure how good I'll be at it but it pays $8 an hour so that will be nice! Anywho, after the fair Hannah, Brittany and I headed to Shelby. We had some things to take of. I bought the Hannah Montana movie. Brittany got some stuff that she still needed. Hannah got her nose pierced (so jealous and looks so good!). I also bought the Vera Bradley 100th (?) Anniversary Journal that features the best sellers designs throughout history. It was a very successful trip, we got everything we went out to get/do. We then came back and I continued to unpack. I finally finished! Yaya! Brittany, Hannah(?) and I went to dinner. I think. I can't really remember when we went to dinner/what I ate/who went for the life of me. Oh well, it's not important. So later we all headed over to Amy Brown's apartment where we watched the Hannah Montana movie and had milkshakes. It was a real good time! I was really tired though, I'm surprised that I made it through the whole movie! lol. After I got back to my room I basically went straight to bed. How sad, it was only like 10ish pm. Oh well. I got a good nights sleep, which was most definitely needed since the first day of classes was the next day!

Wednesdayy. First day of classes! The day went really well! I really like my schedule this semester. Yes, I do have an 8am but since I have worked all summer I am used to waking up early. It feels so good to be done at 1pm. I have the whole afternoon to do nothing on MWF's aka do homework. I think I am really going to enjoy my spiritual formation class, maybe. And I ABSOLUTLEY AM GOING TO LOVE GUITAR CLASS. It is gonna be a fun class. I'm so glad that Hannah and Chelsea are taking the class with me too! It's gonna be baller! And the instructor is real cool, he seems like he will be able to put up with Hannah, Chelsea and I being ridiculous. love it. So glad I'm taking this class! The rest of the day was real chill. I went to the business office to ask them about a bill I received, I'm now getting so much more money back now. I then went to the campus shop to buy my western civilization book, that was the most expensive book I bought this semester, I got all the rest from The rest of my day was uneventful. I wrote all my assignments into my planner, went to dinner and then hung out in my room-watched some Smallville and hung out with people in my room-which is always a hilarious time. love my life. :)
