my new best friend helps me to stay hydrated and to make me look cooler...not that i need help in that department. ;)

he's pretty sweet, isn't he? so i finally got my camelbak water bottle that i ordered about two weeks ago. i sent it home bc it they didn't send to po box's and only after did i realize that i could have used the other address we have. oh well. it arrived at my parents in considerable fashion but my parents decided they wanted to keep me and my best friend apart for a good bit (like 3 days) so i only just got it yesterday. i was super excited that i got it yesterday though bc i though it was gonna arrive today and then i would have to wait until monday to actually receive it. not okay. well i washed it out real quick and took it with me on my trip to chapel hill with brittany. i drank it the whollllle time. it's so good. i really enjoy straws. my bff does so well at keeping me hydrated that i have to pee like every thirty minutes. but oh well. i love it.
i need a name. suggestions?
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