As I have been lounging around the house for the past week or so I have thought a lot about this next year. Yes, I'm being cliche about this with the New Year and making resolutions. Even with this new year coming (tomorrow), I have been thinking about next year for a long time.
To start, I am actually going to work out. I know I say it every year but this is THE year. I desperately want to be in shape-with a flat stomach! And with my class schedule this next semester, I can fit working out in perfectly. To go hand in hand with working out, I will be eating healthy. No more greasy unhealthy food for me. New Year's Eve will be my last night for it.
I want to be a better friend. Last semester was different for me. I was very busy with school work, RA stuff and AE work so I would use that as an excuse not to hang out with people although I knew perfectly well that I would just waste time in my room when I could be hanging out with someone. I won't let anything bog me down and I'll be hanging out with my friends more.
I want to be a better Resident Advisor. Last semester was not my dream semester in regards to resident advising. I thought it was gonna be a breeze and that all my residents were going to love me. That definitely was not the case. I went into thinking it was going to be the same as the past two years where everyone got along and we had a super awesome community. So with that being said and remembering that for next semester, I have some big plans in this head of mine. For starters, I'll be handing out a program survey at the first meeting so they can tell me what they're interested and I can plan the proper programs that they'll *fingers crossed* attend.
Going along with resident advising, I have to think about where I want to live next fall. I really really want to move off campus and I have a cute apartment that I can move into after my friend moves out after the spring semester. But then comes the problem of how am I going to pay for it and would I get a roommate or live by myself? If I did get a roommate, who? Those thoughts have me leaning more towards continuing to be a RA next fall. If I did that though, I would not want to be on the same floor as I am now. I've been on that floor for 3 years, it's time for a change. I would love to move down to 2nd floor of Decker...they get their own bathroom! Plus, with being an RA again, I would still be getting a pay check (hopefully 2 since I don't plan on quitting or being fired from AE). I've got all that about.
In an interest of saving money, I am not going to buy anymore clothes, atleast full priced clothes or clothes from American Eagle. I have more than enough clothing.
The whole not buying clothes thing is to save money so I can afford my plans this summer. I am trying to go to Uganda, Africa for an internship. Not only do I have to overcome the obstacle of saving the money for the trip, I have to overcome the HUGE obstacle of telling my parents my plans. eeek! I've known about this trip for probably a little under a year and I've put it off this long. I am even planning on meeting with the lady who I will be working under/who started the organization in Uganda next week. So I need to tell them before I have that meeting.
That is everything that I have going on in this crazy head of mine at the moment.