My Jesus fish ring that I always wear is missing. I don't know where I lost it. The first time that I noticed that it was gone was yesterday while I was walking back Macy's. I know I had it yesterday morning when I was showering because I take it off so when in the shower it doesn't slide off and go down the drain (I've had that happen before) and then I put it right back on. I usually apply lotion to my legs after my shower and yesterday I did because I was planning on not wearing pants so I wanted my legs to be nice and lotioned. So I take my ring off for that too and I can't remember if I put it back on or not. So either my ring fell off while I was here, at work, while I was walking around downtown, or it is at home. I've searched at home and just looked here at work. nothing. I think it is lost forever. :-( I'm going to miss it. I don't know what it is with me and rings...first, my silver ring thing ring, my class ring, silver ring thing again (i re-ordered it) and now this one. GAH!
I've got nothing to do today. I don't know how much more of this nothing every single day I can take. I absolutely hate getting up in the morning and always don't want to come in. Is this worth it?