Last night, I had a dream.
I was hanging out with Megan and Marissa at Applebee's. We had finished our meal and everything so decided to go to the church so we all got into our seperate cars and went there. Once there, we didn't go inside the church, Marissa suggested to go hiking-ish. Apparently, there's now a mountain next to the church/in the middle of Hampton. So we climbed it but it wasn't that difficult, the path was clearly marked and not hard at all. Once out there the view was beautiful. You could see all of Hampton and it was really pretty for some reason. Marissa and Megan thought I was crazy when I said that I had never climbed this mountain before. We then decided to go visit Karen at work, McDonald's. We decided that we would walk along route 8 instead of driving. Insane, I know but that's what we did. We didn't even climb down the mountain, we were automatically on route 8 and Craig was there. So we all walked to McDonalds. We get there and Karen is super busy so she can't even take 2 seconds to come out to talk with us so we go in the basement of McDonald's and it turns into the house of Melissa, our friend from music camp. Our other friend from camp, Mackenzie is there too along with 2 young boys that I recognized from camp but don't know their names. I think one or both was Melissa's brother(s), if she has brothers?. I'm not really sure. Anyways, we walk in like we own the place and immediately go to Melissa's room. Strangely, all four of them lived in the same room (although the house was wayy big enough for them each to have their own room) and were getting ready for bed/in bed. I don't really remember what we talked about but I know that Melissa went to bed shortly after we arrived and I at some point was laying in the same bed with Mackenzie, gabbing away i guess. Time went by when I realized that at some point Marissa, Megan and Craig were all gone. I got super pissed that they had left me especially since we had walked and I didn't have a phone. And since I didn't have a phone, I had no numbers to call them no matter how many times the 2 young boys offered me to use their phone. I finally got so fed up with it that I came up with the brilliant idea to mail something to Megan. Makes complete sense, right? Well the young boy, I believe Matt, gave me ducktape and a pen. So I made a ducktape ball and wrote on it, "thanks for leaving me." I then grabbed Melissa's phone, which woke her up, and looked for Megan's address. And that's all I can remember. Strange, very strange.
Bahahaha love this! So funny!