Saturday, September 12, 2009
last week sometime i turned in my $100 deposit and application for a mission trip to Guatamala to help little kids over spring break. :) :) :)
D3 pool party
we wnet to Jamie and Taylor's house for a pool party. they only live twenty minutes away. i love their house. they built it themselves, it is made of wood so it's real country but i love it and everything is huge. they have a big kitchen, a big living room, and downstairs they have a big like play room where their rooms are attached. so cool. it was real nice to lay in the sun, get even more tan and to swim! I worked on my chaco tan and the tan is pretty decent. I also am pretty brown. i LOVE going to school in NC. one of the best decisions of my life, for sure. :)
Owl City Concert
Brittany and i went to chapel hill this weekend to go to the Owl City Concert ( It was so good. I love Owl City. I was introduced to them at the beginning of this year by Brittany and Lauren. They are electronic. SO good. They had two opening people perform. I really liked Unicorn Kid ( He's a seventeen year old kid from Scotland. He's all electronic, he doesn't sing at all. Usually would be boring but he got real into his music and was dripping sweat by the end of his time. so awesome. I didn't really like the second person. I also really liked Chapel Hill. they have a ben and jerry's ice cream shop. of course i immediately fell in love with the place. We stayed at unc chapel hill with brittany's friend michelle. chapel hill is huge. apparently it takes 30 minutes to get from one end of campus to the other. ridic. i def like my my 2-5 minute walk to and from classes. i don't think i'll be complaining about distance anymore. lol.
new best friend
my new best friend helps me to stay hydrated and to make me look cooler...not that i need help in that department. ;)

he's pretty sweet, isn't he? so i finally got my camelbak water bottle that i ordered about two weeks ago. i sent it home bc it they didn't send to po box's and only after did i realize that i could have used the other address we have. oh well. it arrived at my parents in considerable fashion but my parents decided they wanted to keep me and my best friend apart for a good bit (like 3 days) so i only just got it yesterday. i was super excited that i got it yesterday though bc i though it was gonna arrive today and then i would have to wait until monday to actually receive it. not okay. well i washed it out real quick and took it with me on my trip to chapel hill with brittany. i drank it the whollllle time. it's so good. i really enjoy straws. my bff does so well at keeping me hydrated that i have to pee like every thirty minutes. but oh well. i love it.
i need a name. suggestions?
I quit my job. I didn't even finish my two weeks. Best decision ever. I hated my life, for real. I never wanted to go. Granted I only had like two official shifts but still, I don't want to work at a place where I hate. Hopefully McDonalds or Taco Bell is hiring or even the new place that just had their grand opening today! I'll check them out lataaaa.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Last weekend, I went home with my friend Lauren to babysit her house and dog. It was a wonderful weekend of relaxation. We slept in Saturday and Sunday, so good! We still went to church Saturday night, don't worry. We're not heathens. Friday night, we went and saw The Time Travelers Wife for free. boo-yah. IT WAS SO GOOD. made me cry and that is quite a feat. I don't usually cry at stuff but this got me. I was trying to read the book before I went and saw it but I only made it one quarter of the way through since I only started the book 3 days prior to this trip. lol. Lauren got me addicted to General Hospital. She has on demand so we watched all the episodes she had missed since she left for school so natch I got addicted. So I just want to take a minute to thank Lauren for taking me to her house and making me cry while getting me addicted to General :)
eh...then I had a full week of class. nothing exciting. oh! I'm applying to go on a mission trip to Guatamala. Hope I get the trip I want to go on. There are 4 offered. Pray for me!
This weekendddd. Brittany, Hannah, Tori and I ventured to le beach. It was sooooooooooooooo good. I got burnt. so did everyone else. natch. We spent all morning and afternoon at the beach on Saturday. Then we went shopping. I got some real good deals. It was a very successful shopping trip and I only spent $50ish dollars and everything was on sale except for the one thing but it was worth it. Since Brittany only lives an hour away from the beach we stayed at her house. Free lodging. w00t! I can't wait to make this trip again. bc it will be happening. =]
that's my life for now. oh yeah, I got a job on campus with Phonathon. I hate it.
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