Last night i took my cartilage piercing out of my ear because it was bothering me while i was trying to sleep. I had full intentions of putting it back in when i awoke but natch, with having a short time to get ready and rushing, i forgot. i didn't realize until i was half way through the bus ride this morning. i immediately texted hannah when i realized this to see if she thought if it would be closed or not. about an hour or so later she responded saying that it will most likely be closed. so i quickly searched my bag to see if i had any earrings. none. i asked my other summer help co-worker to see if she was wearing any post earrings or had any. none. she then said to ask my sister. doi, why didn't i think of that. i felt like an idiot because i forgot that my sister worked here and a girl that i met 2 days ago could remember that. anyways, i texted her. no response. so i checked my email. and she had emailed me about something else so i then asked her if she had any. i told her to respond ASAP by either texting, email, or calling me on the phone that is at my desk. maybe 15 minutes later she called me and said that she was wearing post earrings! success. so i went up to her floor and got the earring and came back, after seeing her desk and meeting people of course. i went to the bathroom and disinfected the earring and tried. it went through! hallelujah! i'm so glad that it did not close because i really really like my cartilage piercing. thank goodness my sister was wearing post earrings. i was fully prepared to stick a broken off piece of a paper clip in my ear just to make sure that it would not close. i already had it broken off. i would have disinfected it, of course. i'm glad i didn't have to do that though because that would not have looked very good and would have been hard to keep in since it would have just been a stick and nothing to keep it from falling out.
Now back to "work."
Good story Ames :P You're hilarious, by the way.